Rabu, 21 September 2016

How to Know If A Person Truly Loves You? Notice What The Person Says

Hello Guys :) This article is a follow-up article on the post I earlier. Do you still remember about How to know if a person truly loves you? Notice how the person acts. And this time I would like to write the next step is notice what the person says.

1. Notice if the person talks positively about your future together. If the person really loves you, then the idea of you being in his or her future is an absolute given, not something that he or she would ever have anxiety or uncertainty about. If the person routinely talks about what you're going to do in the future, about what your lives will look like one, two, or even ten years in the future together, then she/he is probably in love with you.

* True commitment means seeing a forever with another person. If the person talks about the future and always includes you in it, then there is a good chance she/he truly loves you.

* If the person talks about what your kids will look like, where you will retire together, or where you will go for your honeymoon, then s/he may really love you.

2. See if the person gives you meaningful compliments.There's a difference between saying, "I like your new haircut" and "You have the ability to make me feel better no matter what." If the person gives you compliments that show that she/he really appreciates the important aspects of your character and personality, then there's a good chance she/he really loves you.

* Your loved one doesn't have to shower you with compliments all the time — it's the quality, not the quantity, that makes a difference.

3. Determine if the person means every "I love you." Remember that there is a big difference between "Love ya!" and "I love you." If your special someone really loves you and tells you this much while looking into your eyes, sounding earnest, and not wanting anything from you, then it's likely that she/he really means it.

* If the person undeniably loves you, then she/he will say it for no reason at all, not just because she/he needs a favor or because it feels like the right thing to say.

4. See if the person really opens up to you. If ur loved one really loves you, then they will really open up to you and tell you what they are thinking, feeling, fearing, and longing for. If the person really opens up about their childhood, greatest regrets, most painful moments, or most romantic dreams for the future, then it's likely that they like you because the person is so comfortable telling you about almost everything.

* If the person tells you, "I've never told anyone this before..." then there's a good chance that s/he really loves and trusts you.

5. Expect to be missed when apart. If you and your loved one are apart, but s/he still texts you, calls you, or emails you to let you know how much s/he misses you, then it means s/he can't imagine his or her life without you. If you go on a three-week vacation and don't hear a word from him or her, then it may not be love.

* She/he doesn't have to call you constantly to let you know if s/he misses you.

6. Hope to have your mistakes corrected. If that person truly loves you, then she/he doesn't have an idealized picture of u in his or her mind. If it's truly love, then that person will be comfortable with telling you when you've made a mistake, said something illogical, or acted badly. Though the person shouldn't criticize you all the time, giving you a healthy amount of criticism just means that the person really knows you in and out and accepts your mistakes as well as your best qualities.

* If the person never argues with you or never criticizes you, then you should be on the look out. Make sure that the person truly loves you instead of an ideal version of who you are.

7. See if the person truly values your opinion. If the person truly loves you, then she/he will care about what you think — whether it's about his or her new pair of shoes or the political situation in your country. If she/he really loves you, she/he will ask for your advice and opinions, whether it's on big or small matters. She/he may feel self-conscious about asking for your opinion, but she/he will  do it because she/he loves you.

* She/he doesn't have to ask for your opinion on everything — only the things that really matter.

Thank you for take your time reading my blog :)

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